Top 10 bash_profile aliases

You are operating with limited time and limited brain power to finish your programs with enough time to go outside and breath fresh air Knowing this, its way too tedious to type out commands like git diff –cached which can be shortcut to gdc with an alias. An alias will allow you to create shortcuts with your own command…

git gotchas

Gotcha 1: git config? “Oops, I’ve been using git without setting my git config?” If youdon’t set your computers git config, it’ll likely choose a default email for you – something like That means, even if you push this to Github, your account will not get the commits. How to config your git author…

vim: how to turn on syntax highlighting

Normal mode How to turn on syntax highlighting for your current session :syntax on .vimrc configuration How to default syntax to “on” for all vim sessions Remember to always  back up your config files, simply add this to your .vimrc syntax on Try different colors How to cycle through available color schemes for your current session…

Set up your dotfiles, config files

Sometimes your computer explodes. Sometimes your roommate spills water on it. If you keep your config files uploaded to github/gitlab, you can avoid recreating your dotfiles (.vimrc, .bash_profile, .sh, .zshrc) and reconfiguring every laptop and virtual machine you encounter. * this is assuming you have already version controlled your configs (examples: bash, vim) Step 1: Upload…

What are the Mac symbols?

Mac Symbols If you are loyal to your 2013 Macbook Air, here’s the new mac keyboard buttons. What is the mac symbol for Control? Control (or Ctrl) ⌃ The Control key was originally responsible for entering control characters (or non-printing characters) in terminal applications. The first mac did not have a control key but it was later…

Black Scholes Formula in Rust

Our team at Hack Reactor is building a web framework in Rust and for the first day, we took a step back and had a one day hackathon to get sped up. Naturally I wanted to benchmark calculators and that afternoon I tested Rust against Python and Javascript. Results below. Black Scholes Merton Introduced in…