How to set “jj” as Esc in VSCode Vim

Step 1: Open the command palette shift + cmd + p Step 2: Search for “Preferences: Open Settings (JSON)” Step 3: Add the keybinding inside the settings object “vim.insertModeKeyBindings”: [ { “before”: [“j”, “j”], “after”: [“<Esc>”] } ] Another option is “fd” instead of “jj” since this can be typed faster than “jj”. Why? “jj”…

vim jj to esc mapping

For a single vim session (safe version) :inoremap jj <Esc> For every vim session (still safe) Save this to your .vimrc file in your home directory. ” this is a comment so you remember this later ” insert mode; no recursive; map; <from>; <to> inoremap jj <Esc> * change jj to anything you want, fd…

why vim?

vim is vi(improved) vim is a powerful way that allows you to transform your thoughts into action in as little keystrokes as possible. In fact, the subtitle of the book Practical Vim is this: “Edit Text at the Speed of Thought” With that said, vim has a steep learning curve that often does not feel…

Setting up .vim directory

vim settings are important for every vim user and you shouldn’t have to use a vanilla vim setup just because you ssh into a VM or set up a new computer. Since most vim settings have zero personal data, the  most convenient thing to do is to upload your vim directory+settings onto the internet for the world to bask…

vim: how to turn on syntax highlighting

Normal mode How to turn on syntax highlighting for your current session :syntax on .vimrc configuration How to default syntax to “on” for all vim sessions Remember to always  back up your config files, simply add this to your .vimrc syntax on Try different colors How to cycle through available color schemes for your current session…