Set up your programming environment

*wip Must have for your Mac Get homebrew – no longer drag an icon to install Homebrew – “the missing package manager for macOS” will make it so much easier to download, upgrade and maintain your packages. It will install packages super transparently in /usr/local/Cellar/* and symlink commands to /bin. Must have for node.js nvm a…

Intro to OSX File Management Commands

Filenames can have spaces! So when you deal with them either surround the filename with apostrophes like this: “my file name.txt” or escape the spaces my\ file\ name.txt. Otherwise, don’t create new file names with spaces or escape characters to keep your sanity. Wildcards * greedy wildcard ? single character wildcard [] single character list of wildcards {} pattern list of…

Mac Unix Command Basics for Beginners

These are useful unix commands that are entered through a Terminal shell prompt. These commands are actually names of Unix programs that usually sit in a folder called /bin where am i? pwd How to check the current directory $ pwd learn more about anything – man How to bring up the manual page for a command:…

What are the Mac symbols?

Mac Symbols If you are loyal to your 2013 Macbook Air, here’s the new mac keyboard buttons. What is the mac symbol for Control? Control (or Ctrl) ⌃ The Control key was originally responsible for entering control characters (or non-printing characters) in terminal applications. The first mac did not have a control key but it was later…